Monday, March 29, 2010


If you don't like me, don't call me to be nice or what ever reason you are calling me. Let it go.

Guess who I received a call from tonight...
South Beach

I haven't heard from him in MONTHS! He called tonight to say he was thinking about me and wanted to see what I was up to. He was in Mobile and thought about me because I am from Alabama.

Why did he call? I put him out of my mind, deleted his number and now he just weaseled his way back on the radar. If he isn't interested in seeing me or coming to Atlanta, I wish he would not call . Seriously. It is just irritating.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Bachelorette

Estalla made plans with me and it turns out she had a fun night out planned for me! Estalla planned a mini bachelorette night for me and another single girlfriend. She invited several single guy friends for us to meet. Thanks E!

There were a few groups of guy friends, so it was ok to mix guy friends - 2 caught my eye. One is younger, fun and who I spent most of the night flirting with. He was a lot of fun - nothing that I see being long term (0k, nothing has been) but it would be someone to have fun with in the meantime.

Guy #2 from Bachelorette night is super quiet but very nice. Hope I get to know him better. E is pulling for this one. He is my age, settled and a little more mature. Maybe I am scared away from this one because it could turn into something more.

Estella said both called to gauge interest so at least I am not totally missing the mark. Tentative plans to go out with out Estalla Sat nite - may meet u[ with guy #2 (if him then possibly the other). Will be out for St. Pattys...maybe some Irish luck will head my way.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Hot Manager is back

This is a old interest revisited. This summer, I met a hot restaurant manager and was supposed to go out with him, but he canceled at the last minute due to a "financial crisis". Haven't thought much about him until last month when I went to dinner with "The Lovely Couple" to Hot Manager's restaurant. He wasn't working that night so I didn't see him.

A couple weeks ago, I went back with the same couple to eat the yummy smores dessert. I didn't see him that night either, but apparently, he saw me. When I got home that night, he texted me and asked if I had been in that night. Told him yes. We had a long texting conversation that ended with we needed to get together. I didn't think anything of it because we didn't make any specific plans.

Last weekend, he texted me again and we set up a time to meet for drinks this week. Not sure why I decided to go, but I did.

He was extremely nice, very driven and just as cute as I remembered. I had a great time! We met for drinks and talked for a few hours. A relationship with him would never work - he schedule is insane, but it was very refreshing to go on a date that I had a good connection with the person, great conversation, etc. Sad that it would never work, but I finally had a good date which I desperately needed.

Alec Baldwin look alike

One of my dear friends set me up on a blind date with a friend of a friend. Before our date, he emailed a few times and was really funny in email. When he called to ask me on the date, we had a great conversation so I was super hopeful!

He picked one of my fav spots for dinner and I met him there. The dinner, as most blind dates do, started out a little slow, but conversation picked up. He reminded me of Alec Baldwin - looks and a little bit because he had a good sense of humor.

He was super nice and it was great conversation, but there wasn't any chemistry there for me. Not sure how old he is, but there were some generation or preference gaps. A little more ready to be settled than I am, he didn't understand how I had fun at the Black Eyed Peas concert, etc. Again, he was so nice and a great dinner companion, but that was as far as I could go with it.

Keep bringing on the set is bound to work out!

One Night Stand with a Greek god

I am embarrassed to post this blog, but it's a dating story so it has to go up. A few weeks ago, I went out with my new fun single girlfriend for a casual night out. She started the night with the statement "this is a laid back night, its not like we will end up a Johnny's or anything." Well...

Several bars, gimlets and shots later, our cab pulled up at Johnny's. I remember walking into Johnny's and the next thing I know I am sitting at Waffle House next to a VERY attractive foreign hottie (later I found out he was Greek). I have no idea how I met this guy, but I am sure I met him on the dance floor at Johnny's and convenienced him to take me to Waffle House. In my drunken state, I thought this would be a fun adventure and went home with him. Not smart or safe, but at least I was coherent enough to email my friend his address and condo number in case something happened. Please no lectures - I know this is not safe behavior.

When I first got divorced, I wanted to have a one night stand a true never speak to the person again). All my friends who had done this, warned me it was NOT a good idea. While I am single this time around, I want to sew all my wild oats and get everything out of my system. While very trashy, this is something I needed to get out of my system and the foreign hottie was my chance.

When I woke up the next morning, I was scared to open my eyes and hoped he was as hot as I remembered - thank goodness, he was. We went to Starbucks, I called a cab and will never see him again. When I was leaving Starbucks, he asked about exchanging numbers and I told him there was no need.

While I am not proud of what I did, it won't happen again. I felt like a total trashy whore the next day and that night has probably been a huge reason why I have been in a weird mood lately. I hope next time I think it is a good idea to go home with a stranger, I will remember how awful I felt about the situation.

Hotty Toddy

First, I apologize for the long vacation from blogging. I have been in a weird funk and haven't been in the mood to express what is going on in my life.

Last blog about Ole Miss was when I went over to his house on a Monday night to watch a movie and hang out. We texted back and forth several times after that but didn't see each other for a couple weeks.

I was out with girlfriends one night and we started texting back and forth. Combine drinking and texting and I get myself in trouble. We ended up meeting up and I went to his house late night. He was EXTREMELY drunk and it was a total turn off (yes, I know I am a hypocrite since I am like that on the weekends a lot), but I was already at his house and it just made sense to stay.

Even if I wanted something to happen nothing would have because he was so trashed. Maybe it was good I went over there because it showed me another side of him that I did not find attractive. Obsession over.

He has texted a couple times since then including on Vday. Not sure his deal...casual interaction and don't really see anything happening from here. Far cry from the first time I met him!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bitter Vday Message

I will start by saying I have never been a fan of Valentine's Day - it's a huge hassle and stressor for all parties involved. If I didn't like it when I was dating or married, I knew I would really be annoyed this year. I thought it would be best to lay low this weekend, but didn't want to be confined to the condo for the entire weekend.

I decided to make a trip to the Leonardo exhibit at the High.

Ticket Lady: 2 tickets today
Me: No, just one
then I decided it may be better to join the High
Me: How much is an annual membership?
Ticket Lady: For a couple?
Me: No, single

I then head over to check my coat
Coat Checker: Only one coat today
Me: Yes (thinking, do you see anyone else with me and does it look like I am holding 2 coats)

I go to pick up the Audio Tour
Me: (hand the guy ONE Audio Tour ticket)
Audio Tour Guy: Just one for you
Me: yes


I normally don't mind doing things by myself, in fact, sometime I prefer it. Maybe I am being extra sensitive today.

Single ladies, also not a good idea to hit Whole Foods on Vday weekend. Every hot guy in town is with their model beautiful wife.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This spells trouble

Last Saturday morning I received a text at 10am that said "Did I just see you at Publix? I didn't have my glasses on" It was Ole Miss which I am now renaming Hotty Totty (seems more fun to call him that).

After reading my new books and deciding, why not follow them, I waited until 5pm and simply texted back "No".

Just as the books predicted, this kept the convo coming - maybe not in the best way, but at least he was still texting. The next day he texted and asked me to watch come over and watch the play offs. I following my new textbooks to a tea, waited until in between the games and texted him that I was at a party - sorry. He texted back immediately that he was hoping I would come over and watch the games with him. I waited until 1/2 time of the 2nd game and texted him sorry - maybe you should make plans before the night of.

Didn't hear back until Tuesday. He texted to say he was out of town, wanted to see what I was up to. Gave him so smart ass answer (of course waiting a while to respond). The next night, he texted back and asked if I wanted to do something. I responded back asking if he remembered my text from Sunday - he needed to make plans before the night of.

Radio Silence...until Sunday. He sent at text saying he knew it was last minute but they were cooking out and he wanted me to join them. I texted back that I was watching the grammy's with friends. getting to the point. I met up with him tonight. Not a good idea. I met him with the intention of trying to figure him out and it backfired and I am going to be sad about the situation again. He lives a few blocks away and I went over there (again, another mistake). Anyway, no closure and no figuring him out. We hung out with one of his friends and his girlfriend and watched the 1st James Bond movie. Only positive point was I found out he was out of town over the weekend which is why I didn't hear from him.

Trouble because, he is fun to watch a movie and cuddle with, he is a total challenge because I can't figure him out and I know he probably has alliterative motives. Anyway, good news, I didn't spend the night (yes, I making progress). I will let you know if I hear from him. mention of my make out session with his friend, but he did bring up a few conversations I don't remember AT ALL! Oh well...

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I don't have much to report. Worked has consumed the past 3 weeks of my life. I thought at least I would meet a cutie at an airport bar, but no such luck. Maybe it is good, because I look like a total disaster - sleep deprived and dehydrated. I need a spa weekend!

I have written off South Beach. Last time I talked to him was a 1 1/2 weeks ago. coming to terms that he is not into me or he would call more often, made an effort to see me, etc. Number is deleted from the phone (I did a search to make sure it was totally deleted in call logs, old voicemails, text messges, etc) and I threw away the hard copy of his number I had at the office (big step).

I have a couple of potential set ups in the pipeline, but I need to recover from the past few weeks before I reappear on the social scene. I met a guy in Orlando last week and he wants to set me up with one of his friends. The guy has called and texted a few times. I am going to call him next week.

Just wanted to post so you didn't think I feel off the face of the earth. Hope everyone is having a great start to the new year!

Monday, January 11, 2010

More on texting...

2 Girls 2 minutes...
I was perusing the flirttexting website and found these girls. Yes, I am procrastinating. Stupid YouTube videos, but applicable to my life. Thought I would post one that seems to be most relevant in my life right now and correlates with NYs resolution #1

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Great Escape

Last night was a good friend's birthday party and it was a great 1st test of my New Years resolutions.
1) NO drunk texting, email, facebook messages or phone calls CHECK - NO CALLS OR TEXTS
2) Try not to become obsessed with someone until after 3 dates CHECK - NO PROBLEM ON THIS ONE
3) Avoid public makeout sessions - CHECK AND I EVEN WENT TO WAFFLE HOUSE

As the night was wrapping up, I met a cute guy. I was hungry and wanted to go to Waffle House. After my friends threatened the life of the guy, I was allowed to go to Waffle House with him. During the course of our WH meal, I discovered he was 24! I welcome cougar comments now. He was also really drunk and I just wanted to leave. I went to the bathroom and sat down at a table with a girl and 2 guys instead of going back to my table. They devised a plan to distract the 24 year old and sneak me out of WH. Its funny now, but why didn't I just tell him I was leaving and go home. Instead I had to be dramatic and plan a getaway. I ran out the door of Waffle House and hopped in a cab and actually told the cab driver to hurry and "go, go, go" like the guy was going to run after the cab.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I met the Flirttexting Authors

I was out in NYC last night and talking to a couple guys. We ventured onto the topic of texting and I brought up the book Flirttexting. Turns out the guys were at the bar with the authors of the Flirttexting. They introduced me. It was funny because they were totally normal, just like any of my girlfriends. Anyway...not that they are celebrities, but it was cool to meet them in person and talk to them for a while.


Warning...this is not a funny post - it a this is what I was thinking today and wanted to put it out there. While I have dedicated about 98% of this blog to dating stories, I think it is important to see the whole me which includes my feelings...Don't worry, these serious blogs will be few and far between. While the dating pipeline is totally empty, there will be stories of crazy nights out on the town.
Do you think some people are meant to be with someone and and that there are people that are not meant to be with anyone. Can the person going through life without a companion really be happy?
I realized this week how much I resented my ex-h for holding me back. This is a very selfish statement - but I love being able to do what I want when I want to. I feel like I have always been this way and very much resented that my ex-h was so uptight and a total planner which limited my opportunities to do anything - not to mention the financial constraints. I am so happy with my life right now. It's far from perfect, but I can truly say that I am the happiest I have ever been, but today I had fears about the future (not the immediate future, but down the road).
On Wednesday, a friend called and said she would be in NYC this weekend and they had an extra spot for their dinner reservation, would I like to join them? So Wednesday night, I changed my travel plans and decided to go to NYC on Friday for the night. In my past life, I would have never been able to do that. I love the freedom associated with making decisions like that.
I had an amazing time last night and today - it was one of my favorite trips. BUT I started thinking, it won't always be like this. Right now I have an amazing group of friends most of who are married or at least dating, but don't have kids yet so they still go out, take trips, etc and it is nothing for me to tag along and we always have a fabulous time. One thing I am very thankful for is that I don't mind not having a date (most of the time anyway). However, today I came to the harsh realization that it won't be this way forever. Friends will begin having kids and their nights out and trips will become less frequent - their focus, as it should, will focus on their family and not on nights out to yummy restaurants and weekend trips. I am so excited where everyone is in their life, but it scared me. I know my friends will always be there, but our time together will change.

What if I am one of those people who is meant to be alone. I had my chance and love and it didn't work and that's it for me. Will my thrill of independence turn to loneliness as everyone in my life moves onto the next chapter and I am still in the same place??? Am I destine to sit a nice restaurant bars and eat by myself?

Monday, January 4, 2010

25 1st Dates...continues into 2010

I didn't meet the 25 first date challenge (or even the 15 first date challenge). Of course I don't like to fail, but I did put myself out there, met a lot of guys and had interesting experiences. It has been fun to go on dates and meeting guys, but I think I need to ease up and not worry so much about finding someone to date and just let it happen.
I am still up for dating and excited about it, but I am going to take it easy for a while. However, I will keep up the 25 1st date challenge in 2010...maybe I will hit the mark by the big 3-0!

2010 Resolutions

These are going to be VERY challenging!
1) NO drunk texting, email, facebook messages or phone calls
2) Try not to become obsessed with someone until after 3 dates
3) Avoid public makeout sessions

I am willing to take suggestions on more resolutions...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My name is Lexi

So I broke 2 of my New Year’s resolutions before I had a chance to post them. I like this blog because it can be funny and is a good way of keeping up with all my stories, but it is embarrassing to admit what I do. At least you know I am honest about what happens!

Failed Resolutions
1) No more drunk texting
2) No making out in public

Seriously, I am out of control…what is wrong with me. I am becoming a full on skank (J, I am beginning to think you were right).

Last night I went out with one of my new single girlfriends – Estella. I knew it was going to be trouble because she is too much like me. Then we started taking shots. Really…why do I need to take shots – can’t I just have a few drinks and enjoy the night without getting obliterated. Obviously not. To give you an indication of how ridiculous we were, we made up drunk names and those are the names we are going to use when we are out. Her name is Estella and mine is Lexi.

After my thrid shot, I texted Ole Miss to see where he was. Guess he was on my mind from the call earlier this week.

Sidebar – I actually had his number. I received a Merry Christmas text from a number not in my phone and it turned out to be him.

Anyway, Ole Miss texted back and Estella and I met up with him and his friends. We chatted for a little while and then he started talking to a blonde headed girl and was not paying attention to me – tunrs out the blonde girl was his ex-girlfriend. As time elapsed, Estella and I aren’t sure how many, but we have several more shots – we think at least 3 more. I then kissed one of Ole Miss’ friends – I assume it was a sad & pathetic attempt to make him jealous. Estella and I left the bar around 1:30/2 which was a good thing…don’t worry, before leaving I made out with Ole Miss’ friend again. I am mortified at my behavior. Which is better, making out at Waffle House or in the middle of a bar?

I don’t remember the cab ride home or going inside, but I received a text from Ole Miss after I got home and texted him back asking him to come over. Next thing I know, I wake up fully dressed down to my boots on my couch at 5am and my condo door is unlock – really safe. I don’t remember Ole Miss coming over and don’t think he did because the last text from him was asking for my address and I didn’t find a text in my sent folder responding.

Needless to say, I am super hung-over right now and totally mortified – I am more embarrassed about this than my text stalking event. Good news is that Estella scored a date out of the situation so the night was not a total disaster.

Need to work on my New Year’s resolutions that are obviously going to have to start tomorrow.