Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hotty Toddy

First, I apologize for the long vacation from blogging. I have been in a weird funk and haven't been in the mood to express what is going on in my life.

Last blog about Ole Miss was when I went over to his house on a Monday night to watch a movie and hang out. We texted back and forth several times after that but didn't see each other for a couple weeks.

I was out with girlfriends one night and we started texting back and forth. Combine drinking and texting and I get myself in trouble. We ended up meeting up and I went to his house late night. He was EXTREMELY drunk and it was a total turn off (yes, I know I am a hypocrite since I am like that on the weekends a lot), but I was already at his house and it just made sense to stay.

Even if I wanted something to happen nothing would have because he was so trashed. Maybe it was good I went over there because it showed me another side of him that I did not find attractive. Obsession over.

He has texted a couple times since then including on Vday. Not sure his deal...casual interaction and don't really see anything happening from here. Far cry from the first time I met him!

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