Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Bachelorette

Estalla made plans with me and it turns out she had a fun night out planned for me! Estalla planned a mini bachelorette night for me and another single girlfriend. She invited several single guy friends for us to meet. Thanks E!

There were a few groups of guy friends, so it was ok to mix guy friends - 2 caught my eye. One is younger, fun and who I spent most of the night flirting with. He was a lot of fun - nothing that I see being long term (0k, nothing has been) but it would be someone to have fun with in the meantime.

Guy #2 from Bachelorette night is super quiet but very nice. Hope I get to know him better. E is pulling for this one. He is my age, settled and a little more mature. Maybe I am scared away from this one because it could turn into something more.

Estella said both called to gauge interest so at least I am not totally missing the mark. Tentative plans to go out with out Estalla Sat nite - may meet u[ with guy #2 (if him then possibly the other). Will be out for St. Pattys...maybe some Irish luck will head my way.

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