Sunday, November 8, 2009


Thursday night, out with girlfriends, I met a guy and one of his friends. This guy caught my eye because he was having such a good time. I am going to nickname this guy Auburn because he went to Auburn & potentially played fball there (he is such a joker I am not certain and of course cannot remember his last name to google him).

I hung out with Auburn and his friend for a good part of the night. I had a great time with him. Thursday night, he asked me out for Saturday night to a party he was attending. My rule about guys who ask me out while drinking is for them to ask me the next day when they are sober ;) Friday he called and asked me to the party again.

Auburn and I went out Saturday night for drinks and then to a party. When we were out for drinks, we ran into a couple that we both knew (such a small world). Auburn is totally hysterical - I cried several times last night because I was laughing so hard. I swear my stomach is sore today just from laughing! The party was a lot of fun and he is definitely a social butterfly and the center of attention at the party.

I am not head over heels about Auburn, but would go out with him again if he called. However, I do think based on the questions he asked me last night, he is looking for something way more serious than I am right now.

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