Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Hot Manager is back

This is a old interest revisited. This summer, I met a hot restaurant manager and was supposed to go out with him, but he canceled at the last minute due to a "financial crisis". Haven't thought much about him until last month when I went to dinner with "The Lovely Couple" to Hot Manager's restaurant. He wasn't working that night so I didn't see him.

A couple weeks ago, I went back with the same couple to eat the yummy smores dessert. I didn't see him that night either, but apparently, he saw me. When I got home that night, he texted me and asked if I had been in that night. Told him yes. We had a long texting conversation that ended with we needed to get together. I didn't think anything of it because we didn't make any specific plans.

Last weekend, he texted me again and we set up a time to meet for drinks this week. Not sure why I decided to go, but I did.

He was extremely nice, very driven and just as cute as I remembered. I had a great time! We met for drinks and talked for a few hours. A relationship with him would never work - he schedule is insane, but it was very refreshing to go on a date that I had a good connection with the person, great conversation, etc. Sad that it would never work, but I finally had a good date which I desperately needed.

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