Monday, March 29, 2010


If you don't like me, don't call me to be nice or what ever reason you are calling me. Let it go.

Guess who I received a call from tonight...
South Beach

I haven't heard from him in MONTHS! He called tonight to say he was thinking about me and wanted to see what I was up to. He was in Mobile and thought about me because I am from Alabama.

Why did he call? I put him out of my mind, deleted his number and now he just weaseled his way back on the radar. If he isn't interested in seeing me or coming to Atlanta, I wish he would not call . Seriously. It is just irritating.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Bachelorette

Estalla made plans with me and it turns out she had a fun night out planned for me! Estalla planned a mini bachelorette night for me and another single girlfriend. She invited several single guy friends for us to meet. Thanks E!

There were a few groups of guy friends, so it was ok to mix guy friends - 2 caught my eye. One is younger, fun and who I spent most of the night flirting with. He was a lot of fun - nothing that I see being long term (0k, nothing has been) but it would be someone to have fun with in the meantime.

Guy #2 from Bachelorette night is super quiet but very nice. Hope I get to know him better. E is pulling for this one. He is my age, settled and a little more mature. Maybe I am scared away from this one because it could turn into something more.

Estella said both called to gauge interest so at least I am not totally missing the mark. Tentative plans to go out with out Estalla Sat nite - may meet u[ with guy #2 (if him then possibly the other). Will be out for St. Pattys...maybe some Irish luck will head my way.